Sunday 26 April 2015

Theories and theorists


  • Andrew Goodwin: Music videos tend to include typical genre characteristics. For example, a pop music video would be heavily performance based whilst a rap video would have bikini clad women by a pool and flashy sports cars. Music videos can also link to film genres, this is know as intertextuality. e.g. Many heavy rock songs are influenced by horror films.

  • Levi-Strauss developed the concept of bricolage. He saw any text as constructed out of socially recognisable ‘debris’ from other texts. He saw that writers construct texts from other texts by a process of: Addition, Deletion, Substitution and Transposition.

  • Roland Barthes, French semiotic theorist: argued that: “The audience look for signs to help them interpret the narrative…. ….these deeply rooted signs are based on expectations the audience has due to their prior knowledge of old tales or myths."
  • Barthes identifies 5 narrative codes which readers use to decode texts. He emphasises the active role of readers in creating meaning, and their ‘culturally formed expectations’. The narrative codes are: Action, Enigma, Semic, Symbolic and Cultural.
  • Claude Levi-Strauss: Narratives are structured by pairs of binary oppositions.
  • Tzvetan Todorov: Equilibrium – disequilibrium – resolution. Suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure. They begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution, when equilibrium is restored.


  • Laura Mulvey and the virgin/whore complex and/or male gaze.  This theory suggests that the music video presents the audience with a representation of a heterosexual man’s perspective of the scene as it objectifies women.
  • Saussure: A sign is made up of two fundamental elements: Signifier and Signified (Sd)


  • Saussure: A sign is made up of two fundamental elements: Signifier and Signified (Sd)

  • Laura Mulvey and the virgin/whore complex and/or male gaze.  This theory suggests that the music video presents the audience with a representation of a heterosexual man’s perspective of the scene as it objectifies women.
  • Uses and gratifications theory

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